What should I do if my wooden door becomes moldy and turns black?

2024-01-19 16:16

Wooden doors are widely used in homes. As wood, wooden doors are prone to mildew and blackening problems. Mildew spots not only affect the appearance but are also difficult to clean and maintain. Today, let’s learn about the causes and treatment methods of moldy and black wooden doors.

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Causes of mold on wooden doors:


1. There are many reasons for mildew on wooden doors, and it is not necessarily a quality problem. Whether it is caused by weather or daily indoor activities, wooden doors may cause plaque to breed. The main reason why wooden doors become moldy is that there is too much moisture in the space. After the wooden door is finished, the moisture content in the door is often fixed. At this time, if there is too much moisture in the space attached to the door, it will easily cause mold. Mildew.

high frequency wood drying machine

2. In addition, when we usually clean or sweep, we may splash water from the mop or rag onto the wooden door. After a long time, many small mildew spots will appear on the wooden door. There is also the difference in temperature between cold and warm, which causes moisture to be generated indoors. For example, during the rainy season, moisture in the home generally increases, and small water droplets condense on the wooden doors or walls. This is also one of the main causes of mold on wooden doors.


3. Of course, there is another phenomenon that will cause mold on wooden doors. That is, the solid wood doors are painted less often, or there are some problems with the paint itself. This will make the wooden doors themselves dull, and it may also be caused by the people who made the wooden doors. During the process, the moisture in the wood is not dried and the wooden door is made, and mold will also appear.

Dry wood is a very important step before the wood process becomes furniture. Choosing a good dryer is the key!

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JYC High frequency vacuum wood drying machine is so different from the normal wood dryers. It uses high frequency heating technology, which can heat the wood from inside to outside. And no cracks, no deform, and no discolor after drying.

Contact us! You can learn more about this RF Vacuum Wood Dryer!


What should I do if my wooden door becomes moldy and turns black?


1. Use quicklime to solve the problem of mold on wooden doors. You can put quicklime powder between the wooden windows and the ground to avoid absorbing too much moisture during the non-rainy season. At the same time, wooden doors should also be waxed. Use a special door paste wax to wax the door. Before waxing, use milder non-alkaline soapy water to wipe off the old wax.


2. Use a special cleaning agent to remove mold from the wooden door. During daily maintenance, use a soft cloth dipped in a special cleaning agent to wipe the wooden door. This can form a protective film on the surface of the solid wood door, which can be used for a certain time. Prevent water vapor from penetrating the interior of the wooden door.


3. If the wooden door becomes moldy and black, we can use special essential oil, use a clean soft rag, or dip it in neutral detergent or special detergent to wipe it. Insert special essential oil in the moldy area, and it can effectively remove mildew or black spots.


4. There are wood mold removers on the market now. We can use wood mold removers and spray them evenly on the moldy areas, or wipe them on the moldy and black areas of the wooden door. This is the simplest and most effective way to remove mold. Spray some antifungal agent on the moldy area after treatment, which can effectively prevent mildew and inhibit bacteria. It is also highly lethal to mold. Apply a layer of wood wax oil to make it more perfect.

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