What Moisture Content of Wood is Suitable for Making Furniture?

2024-01-13 16:21

The suitable moisture content of wood for making furniture typically falls within the range of 6% to 8%. This range is considered ideal because it ensures stability and minimizes the risk of warping, cracking, or other issues that may arise as the wood adjusts to environmental changes.

 wood dryer

Wood harvested from trees contains a significant amount of moisture, commonly referred to as "green" or "fresh" moisture. Greenwood typically has a moisture content of around 30% to 50%, depending on the species and environmental conditions. It is essential to dry the wood to an appropriate moisture content before using it for furniture making.


Drying wood to a suitable moisture content is achieved through a process known as kiln drying. Kiln drying involves placing the wood in a controlled environment with carefully regulated temperature, humidity, and air circulation. This process gradually reduces the moisture content of the wood over a specific period, allowing it to reach the desired range.

But now kiln drying is more like a traditional way of drying wood. It can dry many wood at once. It also has lots of disadvantages, such as taking too much time to dry and drying not even.

HF Timber vacuum dryer


The moisture content of 6% to 8% is considered suitable for furniture making because it strikes a balance between stability and workability. Wood with higher moisture content may shrink or expand excessively as it dries further, leading to problems with the finished furniture piece. On the other hand, wood with lower moisture content may become too dry and brittle, making it challenging to work with and potentially compromising its structural integrity.

 high frequency vacuum drying equipment

It is important to note that the optimal moisture content can vary slightly depending on the specific wood species, the climate of the intended location for the furniture, the drying quality of the wood dryer, and the specific design and construction techniques used. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with experienced woodworkers, furniture makers, or industry guidelines to ensure the appropriate moisture content for the specific project at hand.

Here is how high frequency vacuum wood drying machine works:

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